Informowano o tym w listopadzie 2007.
Do roku 2007 obszar ten od wielu lat znajdował się na Liście Montreux. Spowodowane to było niekorzystnymi zmianami w środowisku związanymi z sytuacją hydrologiczną na tym terenie jak również zarastaniem rozległych polderów roślinnością krzaczastą i wierzbami. Takie procesy, powodowały, że ptactwo wodne i błotne, będące głównym obiektem ochrony na tym terenie, miało coraz gorsze warunki do bytowania.
Jednak na skutek przeprowadzonych ostatnio - z wielką szkodą dla przyrody - inwestycji, Ujście Warty może ponownie trafić na czarną listę. O wpisaniu na nią decyduje Sekretariat Międzynarodowej Konwencji Ramsar. Polska jest stroną tej konwencji a Ujście Warty jest obszarem objętym w jej ramach ochroną (obszar nr 292).
Po zasypaniu w maju 2012 roku naturalnych wyrw zasilających obszar Parku wodami Warty wiosną 2013 doszło do przesuszenia cennych siedlisk ptaków wodno-błotnych i utraty lęgów.
Zamknięcie naturalnych dopływów wody z Warty można prześledzić na tej mapie Google.
From: EUROPE <>
Date: Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 3:33 PM
Subject: RE: Ujście Warty / Warta Mouth, Ramsar Site 282, destruction
To: "" <>
Cc: SALATHE Tobias <>
Dear Sir/Madame,
Thank you very much for your email and the information provaided reporting potential threats to the ecological character of the Ramsar Site Warta River Mouth National Park (Park Narodowy "Ujscie Warty") in Poland.
We are concerned about this information and we would like to ask you for further details about the ongoing projects in the area.
Could you please provide us with a detailed description and a map indicating where within the Site are these developments taking place? We would also appreciate to receive photos of the drainage activities, the heavy machinery used in these works and the water scarcity problems as well as articles published in the local/national newspapers (if any) regarding the impacts on the Site.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
We are concerned about this information and we would like to ask you for further details about the ongoing projects in the area.
Could you please provide us with a detailed description and a map indicating where within the Site are these developments taking place? We would also appreciate to receive photos of the drainage activities, the heavy machinery used in these works and the water scarcity problems as well as articles published in the local/national newspapers (if any) regarding the impacts on the Site.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
With my best regards
Laura Máiz-Tomé
Assistant Advisor for Europe
Ramsar Convention Secretariat
28 rue Mauverney, CH-1196 Gland (Switzerland)
Tel. +41 22 999 0178; fax +41 22 999 0169 | Join us: RamsarConventionOnWetlands
Laura Máiz-Tomé
Assistant Advisor for Europe
Ramsar Convention Secretariat
28 rue Mauverney, CH-1196 Gland (Switzerland)
Tel. +41 22 999 0178; fax +41 22 999 0169 | Join us:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Koalicja Ujście Warty <>
Date: Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: Ujście Warty / Warta Mouth, Ramsar Site 282, destruction
Cc: SALATHE Tobias <>
Dear Ms Máiz-Tomé,
Thank you very much for your swift reaction to our email.
1) We are now able to enclose for your information a copy of your pdf map where we indicated the places where natural breaches were filled in with large stones and sealed. These spots are marked by black dots. These repairs were carried out in 10 places along the southern bank of the river. They resulted in partial sealing of the Kostrzynski Zbiornik Retencyjny (Kostrzyn town Retention Reservoir) from the waters of the Warta River. This is now resulting in significantly lower water levels in this important wetland.
We have also marked the spots where pre-existing natural river breaches were repaired in 2012 on this Google Map:
You will find photographic evidence of the filling in and sealing of these breaches here:
2) On the same pdf map we have also marked with a black line the recently developed new embankment created along the old existing embankment on the right hand bank of the Warta River (northern bank). The new embankment is over 10 m wider and about 1 m higher than the old one.The new embankment is being developed across the whole of the National Park. What we have marked on the map with a black line is the recently finished part of the project. This runs roughly along 1/5th of the length of the National Park. However the existing plans are that this new embankment is to be built along the whole lenght of the Park to the Park's eastern border near the town of Witnica (Klopotowo village).
Photographs showing the building works on the new embankment have been downloaded here:
These developments were recently described in the following press articles (we only have these in Polish):
1. "Festiwal ignorancji" published in monthly magazine Dzikie Życie:
2. "Polityka dezinformacji" in the Bociek magazine:
Please do not hesistate to contact us again, should you have any further questions.
We would appreciate hearing from you as to what actions, if any you decide to take.
With very best regards,
Koalicja Ujście Warty
W tej sprawie w 2012 r. zostało wszczęte postępowanie adminstracyjne z żądania Klubu Przyrodników o nakazanie przywrócenia stanu poprzedniego na podstawie art. 37 ustawy o ochronie przyrody. Do dziś nie zostało ono zakończone. Powyższe zdjęcia inwestycji i robót pochodzą z materiałów tego postępowania.
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